

Christine Aria “Falling Deep Below Heaven”

 Visit with Christine in her Alamo Square studio

Visit with Christine in her Alamo Square studio

    The Midway Gallery is thrilled to present “Falling ‘Deep Below Heaven,’” a watercolor series by Christine Aria in conjunction with Inyoung Seoung’s He•li•o•trop•ic.

Christine is one of The Midway Gallery’s inaugural resident artists and will be the first to activate the Gods and Monsters exhibition space with her sensual free-falling figures.

Together, Christine Aria and Inyoung Seoung will kick-off the gallery’s new immersive programming and we couldn’t be more excited to see these two talented women come together to transform the Midway!

About Christine Aria
Christine Aria is a San Francisco based painter whose work is a meditation on the experience of knowing and not knowing, of being of two minds, of possessing a sense of self assurance, and a sense of the void of the self altogether.

Christine’s watercolor figures appear out of a blank surface, spilling over and dripping color. Their apparition is a bloom of color and life, an imitation of the human body on paper. Their dissipation in the dripping paint creates the abstracted columns on which the figures stand, and into which they fall.

“Falling ‘Deep Below Heaven’” is a series of three, life-size watercolor portraits that together explore the delicious abandon, the uncertainty, the sorrow and the peace experienced through the act of letting go of a tenacious yet ultimately ineffectual grasp on a sense of control. The figures fall from the paper even as they remain attached, finally landing and becoming grounded. This commune with the inevitable and uncontrollable is a process that is completely human; it is mysterious and frightening, but it is necessary and even, maybe, good.